Importance of Resting after a Chiropractic Adjustment
Resting after a chiropractic adjustment, especially after an upper cervical adjustment, is more important than the adjustment itself!
Learn the top reasons why you should rest after receiving a chiropractic adjustment below:
Why Should You Rest after Receiving a Chiropractic Adjustment?
Let's take a look at the major reasons and benefits of resting after your chiropractic adjustment.
Reason #1 - Gives Time for the Brain and Nervous System to "Rewire" Itself
Let's briefly revisit the purpose and intention of a chiropractic adjustment.
The purpose of an adjustment is to restore structural and neurological integrity within the spine and body.
Science has shown that a chiropractic adjustment to the spine allows the brain and nervous system to rewire or reorganize itself, also known as neuroplasticity.
Neuroplasticity is a big fancy word that explains the process for the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections.
After an adjustment takes place, the nervous system "rewires" itself from an abnormal neurological state to a harmonious "balanced" neurological state between the brain and body. This means that your brain and body can communicate properly, ensuring that your body is functioning at its optimal level.
These positive neurological effects can be objectively measured utilizing infrared thermography before and after a chiropractic adjustment has taken place.
In closing, a brief rest (minimum of 20 mintues) after a chiropractic adjustment allows the process of neuroplasticity or "rewiring" itself between the brain and body.
Reason #2 - Allows the Brain and Body to Adapt, Heal, and Function Better
Our body is always adapting.
Below are examples of the body adapting naturally without ever having to think about it:
Temperature suddenly drops 20 degrees outside and the body adapts by shivering to keep itself warm
Eating uncooked meat and the body reacts by vomiting in order to get toxic waste out of the system
A twisted ankle responds with swelling like a balloon to protect and prevent further injury
You will notice out of all of these examples the person has no control over what their body was doing at that moment.
Moreover, the body is simply reacting, adapting, and responding to the stressors that occur in our everyday lives.
Our body is always adapting in order to protect our nervous system and ensure it is functioning at its best.
In closing, resting after an adjustment gives the brain and body time to adapt, heal, and function at its optimal potential.
Reason #3 - Allows you to "Hold" or "Maintain" Your Adjustment Longer
"Holding" our adjustment is one of the most important aspects of being under upper cervical chiropractic care.
Resting allows time for your muscles and ligaments to accommodate to an adjustment and gives the body the best opportunity to "hold" or "maintain" our adjustment.
The ultimate goal should be to "hold" an adjustment.
The longer we hold (in between our adjustments), the faster the body can heal from a current health condition.
In closing, when you are holding your adjustment, your body is healing and functioning at its full health potential.
Recap: Top Reasons Why You Should Rest after Receiving a Chiropractic Adjustment
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