Upper Cervical Chiropractic
Upper Cervical Chiropractic is a strict discipline of chiropractic that focuses on the vital area of the spine, which is the brainstem, to ensure that the spine is both structurally and neurologically balanced.
Dr. Kyle utilizes Toggle Recoil (HIO) Side Posture Technique, which is a gentle and precise upper cervical technique. The goal is correcting misalignments in the upper neck which restores proper nerve, blood, and CSF flow to the brain and body allowing it to function and heal at its full potential.
To learn more about upper cervical care, visit our FAQs page.

Is your head on straight?
A misaligned vertebra in the top portion in the neck can cause abnormal functioning
in the nervous system, circulatory system, and cerebrospinal fluid system.
When the top vertebra in the neck (atlas) is in the proper position, the nervous system and other system in the body can function at its optimum level.
Advanced Technology
Upper cervical doctors use infrared thermography to determine whether your brain is communicating properly with the rest of your body (differentiating normal vs. abnormal nervous system functioning).
"Brain congestion leads to body starvation." - B.J. Palmer, D.C.
Pre adjustment
Post adjustment